Q: Recently, the US and the EU held the US-EU Dialogue on China in Brussels and issued a joint press release, in which they claimed that China’s support for Russia’s military industrial base is enabling Russia to maintain its war against Ukraine, accused China of “economic coercion”, and mentioned issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and the South China Sea, as well as the Taiwan question. What is China’s comment?
A: We have noted the US-EU Dialogue on China and are paying close attention. The joint press release features Cold War mentality and rhetoric on bloc politics, disregards facts, groundlessly smears and attacks China. It constitutes a gross interference of China’s internal affairs. We strongly deplore and firmly oppose it.
I want to stress that whether to hold a dialogue is the US and the EU’s own business. Nonetheless, the dialogue should facilitate the steady development of their relations with China, rather than at the expense of China’s interests. As a responsible member of the international community, China has always been a force for world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of international order. On the Ukraine crisis, China follows an objective and impartial position and has actively promoted peace talks. The normal trade and economic cooperation between China and Russia is neither targeted at any third party nor subject to any interference by any third party. China will never accept being the scapegoat. The Taiwan question as well as issues related to Hong Kong and Xinjiang are China’s internal affairs, and the South China Sea issue involves China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, all of which concern the fundamental interests of China and brook no external interference. It is clear to the international community who are engaging in “economic coercion” to disturb and undermine other countries’ cooperation with China, and forcibly push for decoupling and supply chain disruptions. By turning a blind eye to facts and smearing China, the US and the EU only demonstrate their hypocrisy and double standards.
We urge relevant parties to be clear-eyed about the realities and the prevailing trend of the world, discard outdated Cold War mentality, stop building small cliques, and play a constructive role for global peace, stability, and development, instead of doing the opposite.