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Officials from the Council of the European Union and the European Commission and Diplomats from the Foreign Missions to the EU Continue to Visit Chinese Mission to Mourn the Victims in Sichuan Earthquake
2008-05-21 00:00

On May 20, Mr. Jacques de Baenst, Chief of Protocol of the European Commission on behalf of President Barroso, Mr. Marc Lepoivre, Director General and Head of Protocol on behalf of the Council of the European Union, Director General of the Taxation and Custom Union of the EC, officials from the External Relations Directorate-General, Directorate-General for Research, Fiscal Directorate-General, Customs of Belgium, Ambassadors and Charge d'affaires of Croatian, Swiss and Srilanka Mission to the EU, representatives from the Mission of Albania, Indonesia, Israel and Jordan to the European Union, Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, International Crisis Group, European Institute for Asian Studies and Chinese students in VUB and other universities arrived in the Chinese Mission. They signed on the condolence book, mourned for the victims and donated funds in expression of sympathy and condolence to the families of the victims and solidarity with the Chinese Government and people.

Mr. Jacques de Baenst stated that President Barroso and the members of the EC are deeply shocked learning the earthquake in Sichuan, China. On behalf of President Barroso and the members of the European Commission, I would like to express sympathy and condolence to the families of the victims and solidarity with the Chinese Government and people. Mr. Marc Lepoivre wrote that on behalf of the Council of the European Commission, I would like to express sympathy and condolence to the victims and the injured people and pay respects to those working courageously and strenuously for relief efforts. I believe affected population will receive prompt rescue and relief with leadership of the Chinese Government.

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